Second Amendment Armory FAQ

Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions. If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us at

What are the definitions with respect to firearm condition?

Second Amendment Armory typically carries two types of firearms: new and used.

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What are Second Amendment Armory's firearm warranty and pricing policies?

All prices are subject to change without notice. Second Amendment Armory extends no warranty and is not responsible for any damages due to failure of used products. Used parts and firearms are sold as is. We suggest having a certified gunsmith inspect, install and/or test all used parts and firearms before use. Owner's manuals are not provided with all firearms. Most new products are fully warranted by the manufacturer and product returns should be arranged with the respective manufacturers.

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Second Amendment Armory return policy

Due to the expenses incurred by returns, we make every effort to insure your order is shipped accurately and that the product meets the standards of our advertising. If a return must be made, please note the following policies:

Please Note: A detailed note explaining the reason for the return and whether an exchange or refund is desired MUST accompany all returns. Be sure to include all current contact information including name, address, daytime phone number, email address and the original invoice number when possible.

If you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We want to make your shopping experience as simple as possible. Thank you in advance for your business!

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What does C&R mean?

C&R means Curio & Relic. It is a classification made by the BATF of certain firearms, mainly military guns over 50 years old. Collectors who obtain a C&R license can order these firearms directly without having to go through a FFL dealer to acquire them. We need a signed hard copy on file in order to send a gun to the licensee.

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What does FFL mean?

FFL means Federal Firearms License. This is issued by the BATF to those who deal in firearms. It is illegal to deal in firearms without an FFL. An FFL is required in order to receive a gun delivered to you through the mail. We need a signed hard copy or a legible fax on file in order to send a gun to the licensee.

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Is there a waiting preiod to buy a gun?

In Tennessee there is no waiting period. The only wait is the background check itself to buy a gun, which takes normally 5 to 20 minutes and is done by phone. You can leave with your firearm purchase that same day.

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Do you have dealer pricing?

No, Second Amendment Armory has only one level of pricing, the price advertised is the price for anyone, dealer or individual. Occasionally there are further unadvertised discounts for large volume ammo buyers based on the quantity of the order.

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Do you have a lay away plan?

No, we do not have any type of payment plan or lay a way installment plan. All purchases must be paid in full at the time of transaction.

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Can I buy a gun for a friend as a gift?

It is normally illegal to purchase a firearm for another person; this is called a straw-man purchase and is prohibited. The background check at the time of purchase needs to be done on the person who the firearm is actually for. There are exceptions to this regulation for gifts, thus we allow it for family members. Parent or Grandparent can buy for their children,grandchildren and vice versus. Husband and wife can buy for each other. Siblings cannot buy for each other. These exceptions are valid only provided that the person the gun is for is not restricted from possessing a firearm.

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Do I have to register my gun after I purchase it?

You do not have to register your gun after you purchase it. For now the government considers your gun sufficiently registered by you filling out the form 4473. The gun dealer must keep these yellow forms for 20 years after the sale.

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Aren't all of these laws am infringement on our Second Amendment right?

Yes. The Second Amendment of the US constitution, as commonly accepted by most constitutional scholars, means just what it says. It clearly states that your right to own a firearm is not to be infringed. Here at Second amendment Armory we are committed to helping qualified, law abiding U.S. Citizens obtain firearms in a legal and timely fashion.

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What can I do to fight gun control?

Get involved, vote and find and support pro-freedom candidates. Look into groups such as Gun Owners of America, JPFO, and the NRA.

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Can you special order a gun for me?

Yes. please e-mail or call to request it.

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What does Action refer to with firearms?

In firearms terminology, an action is the physical mechanism that manipulates cartridges and/or seals the breech. Firearm actions include:

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Firearm not for sale in California

CALIFORNIA CUSTOMERS: All handgun shipments to "01" Dealer FFL only and modern handguns must be on the California approved list. No High Capacity magazine sales. No Assault Weapon sales. C&R Licensees may purchase only C&R Rifles that are at least 50 years old, even if the rifle appears on the Federal C&R list. All CA Dealers must give us their CL# before ordering. Check for other Local & State laws before ordering.

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State sales tax

Second Amendment Armory is based in Tennessee, orders will only be charged Tennessee sales tax if the order is being shipped to destination in Tennessee. If you are Tennessee business buying with the intent to resale, you may complete a tax exempt form to avoid Tennessee states sales tax. You can e-mail this form to Dealers which reside in Tennessee must have a Blanket of Exemption form on file prior to first order being placed, in order for that order to be exempt.

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Federal, State, and Local Laws Relating to Firearms Purchases

Second Amendment Armory complies with ALL Local, State, and Federal laws. You must be aware of any Federal laws affecting your purchase.

As a gun purchaser and owner, you are responsible for compliance with all Federal, State and local laws governing the purchase, ownership, possession and use of firearms. Never purchase a firearm for someone who is not permitted to purchase one for himself. A “Straw Purchase,” being a purchase or attempt to purchase a firearm for another person, knowing that the person is not permitted to possess a firearm, is a Federal crime punishable by 10 years in prison.

Guns shown at are not an offer to ship the gun to any jurisdiction where its sale is prohibited by law. Because of legal restrictions, some guns may not be available for purchase in your location. Always have full knowledge of your state and local guns laws before attempting to order or purchase a gun.

The following list of state and local laws is NOT represented to be all inclusive of the 50 states' numerous firearms and magazine laws. Please know your Local and State Laws BEFORE purchasing High Capacity Magazines and Firearms. Individual Local & State laws are too numerous to list on our website, however, the following sales Restrictions will apply:

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Firearm purchasing restrictions

Second Amendment Armory spends an enormous amount of time, energy and money in an attempt to keep abreast of state & local gun laws and restrict sales accordingly. However with well over 20,000 laws on the books, new legislation being passed and no concise source for this information, this task is extremely difficult if not impossible.

As a gun purchaser and owner, you are responsible for compliance with all Federal, State and local laws governing the purchase, ownership, possession and use of firearms. Never purchase a firearm for someone who is not permitted to purchase one for themselves. A "Straw Purchase," being a purchase or attempt to purchase a firearm for another person, knowing that the person is not permitted to possess a firearm, is a Federal crime punishable by 10 years in prison.

Guns shown at are not an offer to ship the gun to any jurisdiction where its sale is prohibited by law. Because of legal restrictions, some guns may not be available for purchase in your location. Always have full knowledge of your state and local guns laws before attempting to order or purchase a gun.

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Quantity of firearms in stock

In general, this number will be accurate. We make every effort to keep our database up-to-date, on occasion, however, the number of firearms listed in stock on the Second Amendment Armory Web site may be inaccurate due to prior purchase. We will make every effort to accommodate your order if you place an order for a firearm that is out of stock.

If the quantity is zero "0" it simply means that we do not have any instock. You can place an order and we will notify you when that item becomes available.

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What is a Curio and Relic Firearm?

Firearm curios or relics include firearms which have special value to collectors because they possess some qualities not ordinarily associated with firearms intended for sporting use or as offensive or defensive weapons. To be recognized as curios or relics, firearms must fall within one of the following categories:

  1. Have been manufactured at least 50 years prior to the current date, but not including replicas thereof; or
  2. Be certified by the curator of a municipal, State, or Federal museum which exhibits firearms to be curios or relics of museum interest; or
  3. Derive a substantial part of their monetary value from the fact that they are novel, rare, bizarre, or from the fact of their association with some historical figure, period, or event.

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